Iforu Garments
iforu garments, madurai
We are three years old company and we are in wholesale business. Do trading of knitting garments as well as seasonal products, like rain wear, winter jackets
We iForU.biz, is a clothing store that offers a variety of products for men, women, and children. The store specializes in inner garments, including both branded and non-branded options, as well as nightwear and other clothing items such as t-shirts, track pants, shorts, and permudas. As a relatively new business, iForU.biz has been operating since 2020 and is focused on offering quality products at reasonable prices. One unique feature of iForU.biz is focus on inner garments, which can be harder to find from traditional clothing stores. By providing a wide range of inner garments for all genders and ages, we can offer a convenient, one-stop shop for customers in need of these products. Additionally, iForU.biz's commitment to both branded and non-branded options could provide customers with a variety of choices that meet their different needs and budgets. Overall, iForU.biz appears to be a promising clothing store with a focus on quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction.
Iforu Garments : Wholesaler of ladies under garments, mens underwear, mens vest, nightwear, nighty, polo t shirts, shorts since 2020 in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Basic Information |
Nature of Business Trade
Wholesaler |
Additional Business Type
Wholesale Merchants,Wholesale Sellers,Retail Merchants |
Contact Person
K R Hemanth Kumar ( Proprietor ) |
Year of Establishment
2020 |
Business Key Segments
Apparel And Garments |
Online Shopping Listed Category
Polo Tshirts, NIGHT WEAR |
Firm Locality
Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India |
Legal Status of Company
Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Total Number of Employees
Upto 10 People |
Company's Annual Turnover
Rs. 25 Lakh - 50 Lakh |
Statutory Profile Details |
33ACKPH4583M1Z8 |
A********M |
Import Export Code (IEC)
A********M |
Seller Verification By Tim |
TIM Verified Stamp
Verified |
No 29B, Mahal Vadampokki Street, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
Get Direction
Monday To Friday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM
Saturday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM
Sunday : Closed
There are various products of NIGHT WEAR they deal. Minimum price range starts from Rs : 300 at Iforu Garments.
The minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) of Iforu Garments is MOQ : 500 that will be good to start a trade with them.
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