Sri Kamakshi Collections

thane, maharashtra

Sri Kamakshi Collections - thane, maharashtra

Business Dealing In

Wholesaler Of Saree

Wholesaler of Designer Silk saree

Supplier of Soft silk saree

Trader in Maharashtra

Sri Kamakshi Collections as a prime trader and supplier of an undisputed range of Pure Silk and Cotton Sarees. Our sarees are made from multiple layers of weaving fabric yarn to produce smooth and awe striking features.

About Sri Kamakshi Collections

Sri Kamakshi Collections : Retailer, supplier, wholesaler of bridal sarees, brocade sarees, cotton sarees, designer sarees, gadwal saree, kanchipuram sarees, kanjeevaram sarees, paithani sarees, pattu sarees, silk sarees, soft silk sarees in Thane, Maharashtra, India.

Company Factsheet

Basic Information
Nature of Business Trade

Retailer, Supplier, Wholesaler

Additional Business Type

Manufacturing Business,Online Reseller,Retail Store

Contact Person

Vidya Joishy ( Proprietor )

Business Key Segments


Services/Product Offer

Bridal Sarees, Brocade Sarees, Cotton Sarees

Online Shopping Listed Category

Paithani Sil saree, Silk Saree, Gadwal Saree

Firm Locality

Thane, Maharashtra, India

Legal Status of Company

Sole Proprietorship

Total Number of Employees

Upto 10 People

Company's Annual Turnover

Rs. 25 Lakh - 50 Lakh

Payment, Shipping and Delivery Packaging and Policy Details
Delivery Versus Payment Method

Cash before shipment (CBS), Pay on Delivery (POD)

Goods Packaging Types

Customized Packaging, Plastic Packaging, Corrugated Boxes & Cartons

Shipping/Shipment Services

By Road, By Air

Estimated Delivery Time

Within Week

Seller Verification By Tim
TIM Verified Stamp


Key Contact Of Sri Kamakshi Collections

Trading Sector

Soft Silk Sarees

Company Registered office

Flat No.104, Twin's Marvel Plot No. A-22 Sector 12 Kharghar, Navi Mumbai ,Thane, Maharashtra , India

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Area Pincode


Connected Person

Vidya Joishy ( Proprietor )

+91 9892503xxx

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Working Hours :

Monday To Friday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Saturday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Sunday : Closed

Questions & Answers on Sri Kamakshi Collections

  • Which payment methods are accepted by Sri Kamakshi Collections?

    Different payment methods which Sri Kamakshi Collections accepts is cash, net banking. UPI, credit card, wire transfer and debit card.

  • How can we return or get refund for product at Sri Kamakshi Collections?

    You can simply return your product to Sri Kamakshi Collections if it adhere product return and payment refund policy 8 days return, refund and exchange. Return Policies may vary based on terms agreement..

  • What will be Product and company Disclaimer for users of Sri Kamakshi Collections?

    Legal Disclaimer of Sri Kamakshi Collections is Product Color May Slightly Vary Due to Photographic Lighting Sources or Your Monitor Settings

  • What is the price range of Sri Kamakshi Collections Silk Saree?

    Sri Kamakshi Collections offer Rs : 5000 To 26500 Silk Saree on Textile Infomedia.

  • What is maximum price of Sri Kamakshi Collections Silk Saree?

    The maximum price of Sri Kamakshi Collections Silk Saree is about Rs : 26500 but you can check their available other products on Textile Infomedia.

  • What will be the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) to trade with Sri Kamakshi Collections?

    The minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) of Sri Kamakshi Collections is MOQ : 1 that will be good to start a trade with them.

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