kuvarba Cotton

mehsana, gujarat

kuvarba Cotton - mehsana, gujarat

Business Dealing In

Cotton cake supplier

Cotton seed cake manufacturer

Cotton wast exporter

Cotton roll wholesaler

Cotton pressing units dealer

We Kuvarba Cotton is leading for Cotton ginning mill for manufacture,supplier,wholesaler in Cotton cake,cotton roll,cotton seed cake supplier.

About kuvarba Cotton

kuvarba Cotton : Exporter, manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler of ginning mill in Mehsana, Gujarat, India.

Company Factsheet

Basic Information
Nature of Business Trade

Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier, Wholesaler

Additional Business Type

Service Provider

Contact Person

Jayantibhai ( owner )

Business Key Segments

Textile Mill

Firm Locality

Mehsana, Gujarat, India

Legal Status of Company

Sole Proprietorship (Individual)

Total Number of Employees

26 to 50 People

Company's Annual Turnover

Rs. 25 Lakh - 50 Lakh

Payment, Shipping and Delivery Packaging and Policy Details
Delivery Versus Payment Method

Payment Terms as per Agreement, Cash in advance (CIA)

Goods Packaging Types

Rigid Boxes, Plywood Box, Paperboard Boxes

Shipping/Shipment Services

By Cargo, By Road

Estimated Delivery Time

3 To 5 Days

Seller Verification By Tim
TIM Verified Stamp


Key Contact Of kuvarba Cotton

Company Registered office


Suggest an Edit?

Connected Person

Jayantibhai ( owner )

+91 9898045xxx

View Contact No

Working Hours :

Monday To Friday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Saturday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Sunday : Closed

Questions & Answers on kuvarba Cotton

  • Which payment methods are accepted by Kuvarba Cotton?

    Different payment methods which Kuvarba Cotton accepts is cash, net banking. UPI, credit card, wire transfer and debit card.

  • How can we return or get refund for product at Kuvarba Cotton?

    You can simply return your product to Kuvarba Cotton if it adhere product return and payment refund policy Product Return allow for 7 days from the date of delivery – as long as the product is returned in its original packaging along with the (if any), and all the protective coverage is intact..

  • What will be Product and company Disclaimer for users of Kuvarba Cotton?

    Legal Disclaimer of Kuvarba Cotton is Colors and photo size may vary based upon your screen resolution and other for any variation between the photos on this website and the actual products

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Buyers feedback / Reviews

Simliar Seller From Mehsana, Gujarat, India
Ashwamegh Industries

Ashwamegh Industries


Cotton cake supplier

Cotton seed cake manufacturer

We Ashwamegh Industries is leading for wholesaler,supplier,manufacturer for cotton wast,cotton roll,cotton seed cake,cot

Gautam Industries

Gautam Industries


Cotton wast wholesaler

Cotton pressing units

We Gautam Industries is leading for manufacture,wholesaler,supplier for cotton cake,cotton rolls,cotton wast manufacture

Sainath Cotton Industries

Sainath Cotton Industries


Cotton cake supplier

Cotton seed cake manufacturer

We sainath cotton industries is leading for supplier,wholesaler,manufacturer for cotton cake,cotton seed cake,roll suppl

Uday Cotton Industries

Uday Cotton Industries


Cotton bales seller

Cotton seed cake manufacturer

We Uday Cotton Industries is leading for manufacture,supplier,wholesaler for cotton cake,cotton seed cake,cotton rolls s