Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd

junagadh, gujarat

Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd - junagadh, gujarat

Business Dealing In

Dealer of Cotton material

Cotton Fabrics Traders

Ginning Machine Supplier

Textile Spinning Mills

Manufacturer of Indian Cotton Bale

We are the lending manufacturer of Ginning mill, Ginning mill Machine in Junagadh, Gujarat.

About Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd

Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd : Manufacturer of ginning mill in Junagadh, Gujarat, India.

Company Factsheet

Basic Information
Nature of Business Trade


Additional Business Type


Contact Person

Kishorbhai ( General Manager (GM) )

Business Key Segments

Textile Mill

Firm Locality

Junagadh, Gujarat, India

Legal Status of Company

Private Limited Company

Total Number of Employees

501 to 1000 People

Company's Annual Turnover

Rs. 25 - 50 Crore

Payment, Shipping and Delivery Packaging and Policy Details
Payment Accepted Mode

Mobile/Net Banking, Cash

Goods Packaging Types

Customized Packaging, Paperboard Boxes, Plastic Boxes

Shipping/Shipment Services

By Road, By Cargo

Estimated Delivery Time

Within Week

Seller Verification By Tim
TIM Verified Stamp


Key Contact Of Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd

Company Registered office

Girgathda Road, UNA, Junagadh, Near Shreedhar

Suggest an Edit?

Area Pincode


Contact Person

Kishorbhai ( General Manager (GM) )

+91 9925599xxx

View Mobile No

Alternative Phone

+91 2875-223xxx

Working Hours :

Monday To Friday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Saturday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Sunday : Closed

Questions & Answers on Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd

  • How can i check payment terms for Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd before deal with them online?

    You can check their payment terms here and terms are Pay on Delivery (POD), Cash before shipment (CBS). You can follow any of this and place your order without hesitation.

  • What will the process to get payment refund from Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd?

    You can simply follow Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd Product return and Refund policy to get payment refund after returning products to them. Policy is The customer can replace the product unit received within 7 days from the date of delivery and get a replacement unit delivered to the customer. .

  • Disclaimer for Users at Kailash Cotton Pvt Ltd

    Legal Disclaimer for User : However, due to manufacturing variances, the limitations of your monitor resolution and the variation in natural exterior lighting, actual colors may vary from the images you see.

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Buyers feedback / Reviews

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