Shri Arihant Enterprise

mumbai, maharashtra

Shri Arihant Enterprise - mumbai, maharashtra

Business Dealing In

Manufacturer of Woven Fabric in Mumbai

Wholesaler of Knitted fabric in Mumbai

Supplier of Cotton Lycra Fabric

Seller of Nylon fabric

Trader of Viscose fabric in Mumbai

Shri Arihant Enterprise is well known in Mumbai as a manufacturer and exporter. we are Producer of cotton fabric, printed fabric, velvet fabric, knitted fabric, viscose fabric, nylon fabric, rayon fabric, cotton lycra fabric, etc. we provide best quality material to our customer. we have wide range of customer all over the India.

About Shri Arihant Enterprise

Shri Arihant Enterprise : Exporter, garment, manufacturer of cotton fabric, cotton lycra fabric, fleece fabrics, knitted fabrics, lycra fabric, nylon fabric, printed fabric, rayon fabric, screen printing job work, terry fabric, tricot fabrics, velvet fabric, viscose fabric, woven fabric in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Company Factsheet

Basic Information
Nature of Business Trade

Exporter, Garment, Manufacturer

Additional Business Type

Manufacturing And Supply Service

Contact Person

Abhishek Jain ( proprietor )

Business Key Segments

Fabrics,textile Job Work

Services/Product Offer

Cotton Fabric, Cotton Lycra Fabric, Fleece Fabrics

Firm Locality

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Legal Status of Company

Sole Proprietorship (Individual)

Total Number of Employees

Upto 10 People

Company's Annual Turnover

Rs. 25 Lakh - 50 Lakh

Statutory Profile Details


Payment, Shipping and Delivery Packaging and Policy Details
Delivery Versus Payment Method

Partial Payment Advance (PPA), Cash in advance (CIA)

Goods Packaging Types

Poly Bubble Padded Bags, Chipboard Packaging, Plastic Boxes

Shipping/Shipment Services

By Road, By Air

Estimated Delivery Time

3 To 5 Days

Seller Verification By Tim
TIM Verified Stamp


Key Contact Of Shri Arihant Enterprise

Trading Sector

Tricot Fabrics, Velvet Fabric, Viscose Fabric, Woven Fabric

Company Registered office

No. 227, Neo Corporate Plaza, Ram Chandra Lane, Opposite Kapol Banquet Hall, Near Liberty Garden, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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Local Area

Malad West

Area Pincode


Connected Person

Abhishek Jain ( proprietor )

+91 9323777xxx

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Working Hours :

Monday To Friday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Saturday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Sunday : Closed

Questions & Answers on Shri Arihant Enterprise

  • Which payment methods are accepted by Shri Arihant Enterprise?

    Different payment methods which Shri Arihant Enterprise accepts is cash, net banking. UPI, credit card, wire transfer and debit card.

  • How can we return or get refund for product at Shri Arihant Enterprise?

    You can simply return your product to Shri Arihant Enterprise if it adhere product return and payment refund policy Easy 7 days return, refund and exchange. Return Policies may vary based on products and services..

  • What will be Product and company Disclaimer for users of Shri Arihant Enterprise?

    Legal Disclaimer of Shri Arihant Enterprise is The actual product may vary from the images shown on the website The actual colours may be vary from those shown depending on the device you are using

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