Laxmipooja Textiles

hyderabad, telangana

Laxmipooja Textiles - hyderabad, telangana

Business Dealing In

Chanderi Silk Saree Manufacturer

Kalamkari Cotton Saree Supplier

Kota Work Sarees Dealer

Fancy Banarasi Sarees Wholesaler

Digital Printed Sarees Trader

Being a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization, we are highly instrumental in Manufacturing a wide assortment of Designer Saree, Women Printed Saree, Women Embroidery Saree,Kalamkari Sarees,Traditional Sares,Georgette Sarees,Digital Printed Sarees,Chanderi Sarees, etc. Our offered sarees are massively appreciated for their skin friendly fabric and splendid look.

About Laxmipooja Textiles

Laxmipooja Textiles : Manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler of banarasi sarees, chanderi sarees, cotton sarees, designer sarees, digital printed sarees, embroidery work sarees, fancy sarees, georgette sarees, kalamkari sarees, kanchipuram sarees, pattu sarees, printed sarees, traditional sarees, work sarees in Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Company Factsheet

Basic Information
Nature of Business Trade

Manufacturer, Supplier, Wholesaler

Additional Business Type

Manufacturing Firm,Manufacturing Business,Wholesale Dealer

Contact Person

Pradeep ( Proprietor )

Business Key Segments

Ethnic Wear,sarees

Services/Product Offer

Banarasi Sarees, Chanderi Sarees, Cotton Sarees

Online Shopping Listed Category

Stylish Party wear Saree

Firm Locality

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Legal Status of Company

Sole Proprietorship

Total Number of Employees

Upto 10 People

Company's Annual Turnover

Rs. 25 Lakh - 50 Lakh

Payment, Shipping and Delivery Packaging and Policy Details
Delivery Versus Payment Method

Partial Payment Advance (PPA), Payment in advance (PIA)

Goods Packaging Types

Paperboard Boxes, Chipboard Packaging, Rigid Boxes

Shipping/Shipment Services

By Road, By Cargo

Estimated Delivery Time

3 To 5 Days

Seller Verification By Tim
TIM Verified Stamp


Key Contact Of Laxmipooja Textiles

Trading Sector

Pattu Sarees, Printed Sarees, Traditional Sarees, Work Sarees

Company Registered office

21-1-659/5/6, Patel Market, Rikab Gunj, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Suggest an Edit?

Area Pincode


Connected Person

Pradeep ( Proprietor )

+91 7780733xxx

View Contact No

Working Hours :

Monday To Friday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Saturday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Sunday : Closed

Questions & Answers on Laxmipooja Textiles

  • Is Laxmipooja Textiles taking online and offline payments?

    Yes. Laxmipooja Textiles accepts all forms of online and offline payments such as Mobile/Net Banking, Cash, Electronics Bank Transfer. You can choose the method which is convenient to you and pay through ease.

  • Does Laxmipooja Textiles allow complete payment refund on product return?

    You can check their Payment refund policy and check your order comply their policy or not. Return and Refund Policy : 7 days from the date of delivery � as long as the product is unused and the price tags are intact. Terms apply on returned products .

  • What will be Product and company Disclaimer for users of Laxmipooja Textiles?

    Legal Disclaimer of Laxmipooja Textiles is Actual color of the product may slightly vary from the color in this photo due to lighting.

  • Is Laxmipooja Textiles located inside Patel Market Charminar of Hyderabad?

    Yes, Laxmipooja Textiles is situated in Patel Market Charminar. This is Of the best Wholesale, Retail and Shopping cloth market of Hyderabad. you can find many sellers from Hyderabad market.

  • What is the price range of Laxmipooja Textiles Stylish Party Wear Saree?

    Laxmipooja Textiles offer Rs : 370 To 2500 Stylish Party Wear Saree on Textile Infomedia.

  • What is maximum price of Laxmipooja Textiles Stylish Party Wear Saree?

    The maximum price of Laxmipooja Textiles Stylish Party Wear Saree is about Rs : 2500 but you can check their available other products on Textile Infomedia.

  • What will be the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) to trade with Laxmipooja Textiles?

    The minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) of Laxmipooja Textiles is MOQ : 10 that will be good to start a trade with them.

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