K K Engineering And Kuthali Works - Amritsar, amritsar

Manufacturer of Textile Weaving Machine Sectional Warping Machine, Power Looms, Rug Looms, Jute Looms Etc

Business Dealing In

Warping Machine

Power Loom

Revolving Cone Creel exporter

textile parts trader

we are Manufacturer and supplier of textile machines, sectional warping machine, power looms, dobby drop box

About K K Engineering And Kuthali Works

K K Engineering And Kuthali Works : Manufacturer, supplier of power loom, textile machinery spare parts, warping machine since 1982 in Amritsar, Punjab, India.

Company Factsheet

Basic Information
Nature of Business Trade

Manufacturer, Supplier

Additional Business Type


Contact Person

Gurpreet Singh ( CEO )

Year of Establishment


Business Key Segments

Textile Machinery

Firm Locality

Amritsar, Punjab, India

Legal Status of Company

Sole Proprietorship (Individual)

Total Number of Employees

11 to 25 People

Company's Annual Turnover

Rs. 1 - 5 Crore

Statutory Profile Details




Payment, Shipping and Delivery Packaging and Policy Details
Delivery Versus Payment Method

Partial Payment Advance (PPA), Payment due Upon Receipt

Goods Packaging Types

Poly Bubble Padded Bags, Paperboard Boxes, Customized Packaging

Shipping/Shipment Services

By Road, By Air

Estimated Delivery Time

5 To 7 Days

Seller Verification By Tim
TIM Verified Stamp


Key Contact Of K K Engineering And Kuthali Works

Company Registered office

Gali Ajit Singh Wali Dhapai Road Near Railway Crossing
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Area Pincode


Connected Person

Gurpreet Singh ( CEO )

+91 9815978xxx

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Working Hours :

Monday To Friday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Saturday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Sunday : Closed

Questions & Answers on K K Engineering And Kuthali Works

  • Which payment methods are accepted by K K Engineering And Kuthali Works?

    Different payment methods which K K Engineering And Kuthali Works accepts is cash, net banking. UPI, credit card, wire transfer and debit card.

  • How can we return or get refund for product at K K Engineering And Kuthali Works?

    You can simply return your product to K K Engineering And Kuthali Works if it adhere product return and payment refund policy Returns are accepted within 10 days from the Shipped Date. Terms and Conditions apply for various products categories.

  • What will be Product and company Disclaimer for users of K K Engineering And Kuthali Works?

    Legal Disclaimer of K K Engineering And Kuthali Works is Due to the many variations in monitors and browsers, the color of products may appear different on different monitors.

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Products of K K Engineering And Kuthali Works

Simliar Seller From Amritsar, Punjab, India
Siya Ram Enterprises

Siya Ram Enterprises


supplier Power Electric Motor

Power Pump Trader

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Conventional Warping Machinery Supplier

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washing machine

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we are Manfacture of Textile Processing machine and finishing machine

Growth Industries

Growth Industries


Textile Calender Machine manufacturer

Hydraulic Calender Machine supplier

we, Growth Industries, are a noteworthy ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer, supplier and exporter of the world class